Garden club photo competition categories 2021
- 1. Still life from the garden
- Using items from the garden, construct a still life. These could be plants, stones, seed heads etc. For inspiration see Evelyn Hoffer here or John Blakemore
2. Wildlife
From mini beasts to badgers and beyond, all creatures big and small are welcome. For expert advice watch this really good country file episode here of Simon King talking about how to take photographs.
3. Pet portrait
Images that capture the character of a pet, is not confined to photographs of just the face or head.
4. Views of the valley
This landscape category is about exploring the area we live in with fresh eyes. For inspiration check out, Charlie Waite here or Faye Godwin.
5. Village life
In an upside down chaotic time this category is about a celebration of community, what we have and what we may have (temporarily) lost.
6. Diptych
We often think of photographs as a singular object, this category explores the creative possibilities when 2 images are put together, they can explore shape, time, colour etc. When submitting either join the 2 images together or name them indicating which is the left and which the right. For inspiration click here.
Images can be colour or B&W and must have been taken between the competition announcement date of 1 March 2021 and the closing date 23rd August, 2021
Please state if entries are from anyone under 13 years old.
All classes are for amateur photographers only. Photographs will be judged on the creative use of the medium to represent the theme of each class.
One entry only per class.
By submitting your photograph(s) for this competition you agree that the East Meon Garden Club may use them for publicity purposes.